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Children's Writers Meetup with Georgina Mitchell and Lucy Twist

Venue: The Writers Workshop

Facilitator: Carmel Page

Have you got an unpublished manuscript for children or teenagers? Or would you like to write one? Perhaps you have loads of ideas and beginnings of stories but no idea how to structure them or how to approach publishers. Well, this it your lucky day! For this special edition, we're joined by editors Georgina Mitchell and Lucy Twist from Hachette UK, children's division.

Children's Writers Meetup is a space for aspiring and published writers of children's fiction and poetry to gather together to share tips and ideas and to get feedback on their work.

Buy your basic ticket (£5 for members of The Writers Workshop, £10 for non-members) and select the £10 supplement if you would like to send a short pitch, blurb or the first 500 words of your manuscript in advance of the meeting.

Email questions for our guests and pitches for their feedback after booking.


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