In-person events

Please note:

  • The Writers Workshop is not wheelchair accessible and there is only partial lift access via Waterstones during business hours.

  • Sounds About Write, our live literature event at Sheffield Plate, IS wheelchair accessible.

  • Until we find a new home, we are expanding our ONLINE offer: click here for the online listing, and many in-person events have an online-access option also.

  • Please read our refund policy.

  • For all our in-person events, view our Eventbrite collection here (excluding Writing Club for 9-13s)

Writing Workout

Writing Workout

Location: The Writers Workshop

Writing Workouts are fun, friendly creative-writing sessions, led by either Rosie Carnall or Lorna Partington, in which participants are guided through several themed writing prompts designed to get the ideas and ink flowing.

We encourage the use of pen and paper (if possible) because it helps us access a different creative mindset than keyboard and screen.

This is not a course: each session stands alone.

No prior writing experience necessary.

Refreshments provided.


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Get Writing

Get Writing

Friendly, supportive writing workshops for writers at all stages of their writing journeys. Think of it as push-ups for your writing muscles, a play date for your inner child, a chance to exorcise your demons or just plain magic.

You’ll be guided through a series of themed writing exercises to generate new writing in the company of other writers. You can write in whatever genre and for whatever purpose suits you. Expect fun, laughter, friendship and solidarity as side effects.

Get Writing is facilitated by Beverley Ward every Wednesday from 11am-1pm. Block bookings are available.


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Writing Club for 9-13s

Writing Club for 9-13s

Location: The Writers Workshop

Facilitator: Beverley Ward

Writing Clubs are a chance for children and young people aged 9-13 to play with writing outside of the constraints of the formal curriculum.

Writing Clubs are a place where young people can express themselves, experiment, develop their love of stories and language, and grow in confidence. Writing is a creative act and not just a tool for passing exams. In Writing Club we don’t focus on grammar, spelling or punctuation but writing skills will develop naturally as children fall in love with the power of the written word.


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Novel Slam 2024

Novel Slam 2024

Novel Slam is the legendary event where aspiring novelists pitch their novels to a supportive audience and trusty judges Daniel Blythe, Gavin Extence, Stacey Sampson, Bryony Doran and Sarah Castleton from publishing company, Hachette UK. Bring a one minute pitch and a three minute extract to compete for Novel Slam Champion 2024. You could win feedback from Hachette, coaching, manuscript assessment and other prizes. Or join the audience and cast your vote.

Organised by The Writers Workshop and Sheffield Novelists

Tickets: £5 entrants, £3 audience


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Nonfiction Writers Meetup

Nonfiction Writers Meetup

Host: Hannah Boursnell

Location: Writers Workshop

If you've got a non-fiction project (of any genre) in mind or on the go, join this informal monthly meetup where we’ll talk everything fact-not-fiction. This is an opportunity to get to know other local writers working on non-fiction projects, share your progress (or lack thereof), discuss ideas and challenges, and support each other on your non-fiction journeys. Hannah — a freelance editor and former non-fiction publisher — will be on hand to offer support, advice and plenty of tea and cake.


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Good Readers Club (Life Writing)

Good Readers Club (Life Writing)

Location: The Writers Workshop

Facilitator: Hannah Boursnell

They say that to be a good writer, you must read widely. But there’s reading and then there’s reading. Really reading. Slowly, thoughtfully, and with an open, curious mind.

In my friendly, guided discussion group, we’ll be deep-diving into short pieces by different writers – masters of their craft – in order to analyse their technique and demystify the intangible (or is it?) magic that makes their work come alive on the page and linger in the imagination.

Just like in your regular book club, we’ll chat about what we like and don’t like and learn from each other’s insights into the text. Unlike in your regular book club, you’ll come away with practical ideas you can implement into your own writing. (And a handout.)

Over three months, beginning in October, we’ll be focusing on life writing, using essays and short extracts from memoirs to explore various aspects of the form.


From 09/09/24 to 15/09/24, get a ticket to attend all three events listed below at a discounted price of £40.00 for members of The Writers Workshop and £55.00 for non-members. From 16/09/24, tickets will be available for individual sessions at £15.00 for members and £20.00 for non-members.

  • Session 1 (Saturday, 12th October, 1.30-3.30): SENSE OF PLACE

How do writers evoke the times and places that are most meaningful to them?

Extracts: A Flat Place, Noreen Masud / Just Kids, Patti Smith

  • Session 2 (Saturday, 9th November, 1.30-3.30): SENSE OF SELF

How do writers use their most challenging, personal experiences to find their voice?*

Extracts: A Woman’s Story, Annie Ernaux / Crying in H Mart, Michelle Zauner

  • Session 3 (Saturday, 7th December, 1.30-3.30): SENSE OF HUMOUR

How – and why – do writers use comedy to connect with readers?

Essays by Samantha Irby (‘Into the Gross’) and Nora Ephron (‘I Hate My Purse’)

Material will be circulated to attendees ahead of each session, so do be prepared to do a small amount of advance reading to get the most out of each session. Ticket sales close one week before each session to allow all confirmed attendees time to read the material.


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Neurodivergent Writers: Group Mentoring

Neurodivergent Writers: Group Mentoring

Location: The Writers Workshop

Facilitator: Amanda Marples

Hands up who is neurodivergent and really needs some support with their writing?

Who longs for a writing coach but is having enough trouble paying the gas bill?

Here is a solution: low-cost, high-quality group mentoring.

Here's what to expect...

  • Monthly meet-ups (online options also available)

  • Small groups of no more than 5 writers

  • Opportunity and dedicated space to bring your writing-related executive function issues (see below)

  • Space to talk it through with other ND writers

  • Access to the expertise of ND professional writer and mentor Amanda Marples (facilitating)

  • Solutions

  • Gentle accountability and goal-setting


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Absolute Beginner Creative Writing Workshop

Absolute Beginner Creative Writing Workshop

Location: The Writers Workshop
Facilitator: Raquel Vogl

Have you always wanted to write creatively but don’t know where to start? Are you intimidated by groups of more experienced writers?

This is the workshop for you. We will do several beginner friendly writing exercises and I will give you exercises and tips to take home to build a writing practice. There will be the opportunity to share your writing but it is not obligatory.

This will be a friendly, fun, and open space to get words on the page, build confidence in your writing, and develop your own writing practice. We will be doing different prompts from previous workshops, so if you have attended before we'll be doing new prompts and exercises.


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Get Writing

Get Writing

Friendly, supportive writing workshops for writers at all stages of their writing journeys. Think of it as push-ups for your writing muscles, a play date for your inner child, a chance to exorcise your demons or just plain magic.

You’ll be guided through a series of themed writing exercises to generate new writing in the company of other writers. You can write in whatever genre and for whatever purpose suits you. Expect fun, laughter, friendship and solidarity as side effects.

Get Writing is facilitated by Beverley Ward every Wednesday from 11am-1pm. Block bookings are available.


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Writing Club for 9-13s

Writing Club for 9-13s

Location: The Writers Workshop

Facilitator: Beverley Ward

Writing Clubs are a chance for children and young people aged 9-13 to play with writing outside of the constraints of the formal curriculum.

Writing Clubs are a place where young people can express themselves, experiment, develop their love of stories and language, and grow in confidence. Writing is a creative act and not just a tool for passing exams. In Writing Club we don’t focus on grammar, spelling or punctuation but writing skills will develop naturally as children fall in love with the power of the written word.


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Building Fantasy Worlds with Jools Warner

Building Fantasy Worlds with Jools Warner

Location: The Writers Workshop

Tutor: Jools Warner

This workshop will focus on worldbuilding in fantasy fiction.

We'll explore what makes fantasy worlds come alive and how to go about crafting them, from the big picture right down to the details. The session will include guided discussions and practical exercises to unlock imagination and write coherent, immersive fantasy worlds.

The workshop is suitable for beginner and intermediate writers, whether you're taking the very first steps in your fantasy writing journey, or you've a world in mind that you'd like to deepen and develop.

Jools Warner is a novelist based in Sheffield. She writes fantasy for adults, and spooky stuff for younger readers. She did an MA in Creative Writing at Sheffield Hallam University, graduating in 2022 with Distinction. Her debut novel Ernie and the Mage-Killer was published in 2024 by Bellows Press, and she is working on the sequel.


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Children’s Writers Meetup

Children’s Writers Meetup

Location: The Writers Workshop

Facilitator: Beverley Ward

Have you got an unpublished manuscript for children or teenagers? Or would you like to write one? Perhaps you have loads of ideas and beginnings of stories but no idea how to structure them or how to approach publishers.

Children’s Writers Meetup is a space for aspiring and published writers of children's fiction and poetry to gather together to share tips and ideas and to get feedback on their work from publisher children's author, Beverley Ward.

Buy your basic ticket (£5 for members of The Writers Workshop, £10 for non-members) and select the £10 supplement if you would like to send up to 1000 words for feedback from Beverley and the group.

Email with any queries.

Find out more about Beverley


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16 Ways to Write a Novel: Novel Writing Masterclass with Gavin Extence

16 Ways to Write a Novel: Novel Writing Masterclass with Gavin Extence

What’s the best way to write a novel? Unsurprisingly, there’s no one answer to this

question! A huge part of learning to write is figuring out what kind of writer you are,

what works for you and what doesn’t. The aim of this session is to start answering these

questions together. By exploring a whole host of approaches to plotting and writing a

novel, we'll dive into the tenets of good story-telling while simultaneously broadening

your own writing toolkit.

Topics covered will include:

  • How to outline a story, chapter or scene

  • Beginnings, middles and endings

  • How to engineer satisfying plots and character arcs

  • How to find a way forward when you’re stuck

The class is designed to be valuable to all writers – whether you’re setting out for the

first time, with the germ of a story idea, or you’re currently working through novel

number five, looking for new inspiration. Follow-up sessions will explore plot-structure

and characterisation in greater depth, but this introduction also works as a standalone

class, suitable for anyone who aspires to write but doesn’t know quite where to begin!


Gavin Extence is an award-winning novelist whose work has been translated into over twenty languages. His first novel, The Universe versus Alex Woods, was selected as one of the Waterstones 11 best debuts of 2013, was part of the Richard and Judy Summer Book Club, and went on to be an international bestseller. He has written six books for adults and young adults, and has over a decade of teaching experience, including masterclasses, workshops and one-to-one mentoring. He lives in Sheffield with his wife, children and cat.

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Writing Workout

Writing Workout

Location: The Writers Workshop

Writing Workouts are fun, friendly creative-writing sessions, led by either Rosie Carnall or Lorna Partington, in which participants are guided through several themed writing prompts designed to get the ideas and ink flowing.

We encourage the use of pen and paper (if possible) because it helps us access a different creative mindset than keyboard and screen.

This is not a course: each session stands alone.

No prior writing experience necessary.

Refreshments provided.


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Get Writing

Get Writing

Friendly, supportive writing workshops for writers at all stages of their writing journeys. Think of it as push-ups for your writing muscles, a play date for your inner child, a chance to exorcise your demons or just plain magic.

You’ll be guided through a series of themed writing exercises to generate new writing in the company of other writers. You can write in whatever genre and for whatever purpose suits you. Expect fun, laughter, friendship and solidarity as side effects.

Get Writing is facilitated by Beverley Ward every Wednesday from 11am-1pm. Block bookings are available.


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Writing Club for 9-13s

Writing Club for 9-13s

Location: The Writers Workshop

Facilitator: Beverley Ward

Writing Clubs are a chance for children and young people aged 9-13 to play with writing outside of the constraints of the formal curriculum.

Writing Clubs are a place where young people can express themselves, experiment, develop their love of stories and language, and grow in confidence. Writing is a creative act and not just a tool for passing exams. In Writing Club we don’t focus on grammar, spelling or punctuation but writing skills will develop naturally as children fall in love with the power of the written word.


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Sounds About Write with Jay Mitra and Sile Sibanda

Sounds About Write with Jay Mitra and Sile Sibanda

Location: Sheffield Plate

Sounds About Write is The Writers Workshop's live literature event featuring invited guests from the world of publishing plus aspiring authors. Learn about their writing journeys as they chat to our founder, Beverley Ward, then see them in action before you take to the stage yourself.

For this special Off the Shelf Festival of Words edition of Sounds About Write, we have local spoken-word producer and BBC Radio presenter Sile Sibanda performing with punk poet Jay Mitra.

Then it's your turn to take to share your words in the open mic. Poetry or prose, anything goes! It doesn't have to be polished, and you don't have to be perfect; you just need something you'd like to share and that sounds about right! For an open mic slot, email by 6:00PM on the day of the event. First come, first served.

Join Workshop members for social chitchat upstairs at Sheffield Plate from 5.30pm. The event (downstairs) will begin at 6:45pm. Performances begin promptly at 7pm. We must vacate the building by 9pm.

About our guests
Sile Sibanda is a spoken word performer, BBC Radio presenter, events host, creative producer/facilitator, and amateur DJ. She has been involved in creative and community projects for over 13 years, starting with a glee club at the age of 12. Sile became a creative producer for Storytrails, creating an immersive storytelling experience about untold stories of people living in Sheffield. Sile is passionate about reading books from different countries and writing whilst listening to jazz. She love the outdoors and travelling.

Jay Mitra (they/he) is a punk poet and creative non-fiction writer from Yorkshire, currently based in London. Their poetry has been published in Acumen Poetry, Drawn To The Light Press, Ink Sweat and Tears, and Broken Sleep Books’ Queer Icons anthology. They were the Bronze prize winner in the Creative Non-Fiction category of the Creative Future Writers’ Awards 2023 and was selected as one of Apples and Snakes' 40 Future Voices in Poetry. Jay has been featured on BBC Radio 6 and Radio 3’s The Verb and has also performed in a variety of festivals including BBC’s Contains Strong Language, Manchester Pride, and Manchester Punk Festival. Currently, he is pursuing a career in teaching and working as a freelance writer and facilitator. You can find out more about them on Instagram and X (formerly Twitter) @punkofcolour.


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Nature Writing Workshop: Foraging Special

Nature Writing Workshop: Foraging Special

Meeting Point: Corner of Limbrick Road and Walkley Lane (just up from the Riverside pub, overlooking the weir over the River Loxley).

Leaders: Anne Grange and Kath Walsh

Our walk this time doesn't cover a lot of distance, but some of the paths are steep and may be slippery, so please wear stout shoes and bring waterproof clothing.

We will discover a little-known green space between houses and allotments, bursting with plant and animal life, finding time to write in nature and find out about the amazing properties of the plants we sometimes take for granted. At the end of our exploration in miniature, we'll warm up with a drink and a concluding writing session in the Riverside Pub.

Your workshop leaders are Anne Grange, a local novelist, poet and editor, who has lived in Sheffield since 1995 and has a deep love of nature and the environment, and Kath Walsh, a local environmental activitist and foraging expert who runs many outdoor workshops in and around Sheffield.


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Study Skills for the Uninitiated... Where Do I Start?

Study Skills for the Uninitiated... Where Do I Start?

Join Amanda Marples, mentor and inspirer of writers and thinkers, for a 2 hour session focused on equipping you with the skills you need to start studying with gusto. In this interactive session, Amanda will explore:

  • Getting organised - all the practical things to think about before you get started

  • Time management - different approaches to managing your time

  • Effective note taking and how to take in new information

  • Reading skills

  • Maintaining focus

  • What if it's all going wrong?

We'll also cover where to get more support if you're a university student and want to explore more., plus plenty of time for questions!

UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD OR SHEFFIELD HALLAM UNIVERSITY STUDENT? Students at the Sheffield universities are eligible for a FREE ticket to this event, if they are also a member of The Writers Workshop. Find out about our Student Membership here: Join — The Writers Workshop. Free tickets are limited and will be allocated first come, first served. Please contact us at to claim yours!


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THE SUNDAY SOUL SESSIONS 2 -Writing about Loss

THE SUNDAY SOUL SESSIONS 2 -Writing about Loss

Location: The Writers Workshop

Facilitator: Beverley Ward

For the new academic year, we're excited to introduce our Sunday Soul Sessions - a series of workshops for writers who want to delve deep into the big issues and reflect on what it means to be human in a changing world.

Loss affects all of us. Whether it's a bereavement, divorce, illness or heartbreak, grief threads its way through all of our lives as we try to make sense of our changing realities. Writing is known to be a helpful and effective way to process loss. Sharing our words enables grief to be witnessed and makes us feel less alone as we move forward in grief. It's also the basis of some great fiction!

Whether you're writing memoir, essays, fiction or poetry or just want a to safe space to put some words on the page, this space is for you.

If you have questions, please email


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Narrative Modes: Action & Exposition

Narrative Modes: Action & Exposition

Location: The Writers Workshop

Tutor: Lorna Partington

When we write, we move between five narrative modes: action, exposition, dialogue, interiority and description.

In the first of 3 masterclasses, you'll explore action and exposition. What are these modes? When is it best to deploy them? How can we best engage the reader using these modes?

In this class, you'll be learning key principles, discussing examples from great writers, and having a go at writing in these narrative modes.

The other two masterclasses:

  • Dialogue and interiority: Saturday, November 30

  • Description: Sunday, December 15

Each class is designed to stand alone.


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Writing Workout

Writing Workout

Location: The Writers Workshop

Writing Workouts are fun, friendly creative-writing sessions, led by either Rosie Carnall or Lorna Partington, in which participants are guided through several themed writing prompts designed to get the ideas and ink flowing.

We encourage the use of pen and paper (if possible) because it helps us access a different creative mindset than keyboard and screen.

This is not a course: each session stands alone.

No prior writing experience necessary.

Refreshments provided.


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Complete Fabrication: Winter Short Story Challenge

Complete Fabrication: Winter Short Story Challenge

Are you new to short-story writing?

Or does it take you an age to finish a short story?

Or do you benefit from the company of others to write?

Complete Fabrication is a multi-session workshop designed to help you create an original short story from scratch.

Praise from previous participants:

"The course took me through the short story writing process step by step without it feeling like a huge task, and now I have a complete story. Fantastic course. I would recommend to anyone."

"I really enjoyed the opportunity to experiment with my writing in a supportive group."

"You reminded me I am creative. Thank you for helping me find that spark again!"

The sessions take place on Wednesdays on the following dates:

  • November 6th - Session 1: Ideas generation (Writers Workshop, 6:45-9:00PM)

  • November 13th - Session 2: Story structure (Writers Workshop, 6:45-9:00PM)

  • November 20th - Session 3: Creative critique and editing ONLINE (7:00-9:00PM)

  • November 27th - Session 4: Writing time and story surgeries ONLINE (7:00-9:00PM)

  • December 4th - Session 5: Share and celebrate! (Writers Workshop, 6:45-9:00PM)

Each workshop will be facilitated by Rosie Carnall and Lorna Partington.

Members of the Writers Workshop have the opportunity to pay in installments. Please email for information.

Please note:

  • This is a repeat of the course that ran in July 2024.

  • Tickets are NOT available for individual sessions, so please ensure you can attend every session.

  • The Writers Workshop is not accessible by wheelchair.

  • If the minimum number of bookings is not attained, this event will be rescheduled and a full refund will be issued.


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Nonfiction Writers Meetup

Nonfiction Writers Meetup

Host: Hannah Boursnell

Location: Writers Workshop

If you've got a non-fiction project (of any genre) in mind or on the go, join this informal monthly meetup where we’ll talk everything fact-not-fiction. This is an opportunity to get to know other local writers working on non-fiction projects, share your progress (or lack thereof), discuss ideas and challenges, and support each other on your non-fiction journeys. Hannah — a freelance editor and former non-fiction publisher — will be on hand to offer support, advice and plenty of tea and cake.


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Good Readers Club (Life Writing)

Good Readers Club (Life Writing)

Location: The Writers Workshop

Facilitator: Hannah Boursnell

They say that to be a good writer, you must read widely. But there’s reading and then there’s reading. Really reading. Slowly, thoughtfully, and with an open, curious mind.

In my friendly, guided discussion group, we’ll be deep-diving into short pieces by different writers – masters of their craft – in order to analyse their technique and demystify the intangible (or is it?) magic that makes their work come alive on the page and linger in the imagination.

Just like in your regular book club, we’ll chat about what we like and don’t like and learn from each other’s insights into the text. Unlike in your regular book club, you’ll come away with practical ideas you can implement into your own writing. (And a handout.)

Over three months, beginning in October, we’ll be focusing on life writing, using essays and short extracts from memoirs to explore various aspects of the form.

  • Session 2 (Saturday, 9th November, 1.30-3.30): SENSE OF SELF

How do writers use their most challenging, personal experiences to find their voice?*

Extracts: A Woman’s Story, Annie Ernaux / Crying in H Mart, Michelle Zauner

Material will be circulated to attendees ahead of each session, so do be prepared to do a small amount of advance reading to get the most out of each session. Ticket sales close one week before each session to allow all confirmed attendees time to read the material.


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Writing Motherhood

Writing Motherhood

Location: The Writers Workshop
Facilitator: Raquel Vogl

Motherhood is a rich subject for writing. As Sarah Ruhl writes, “...motherhood is an undiscovered country in the literary sense, one we must venture into lest our experiences [go] unrecorded.”

Open to anyone who is a mother (self-defined) or wants to write about mothers. Open to both novices and seasoned writers.

This workshop will provide a space to explore our experiences of mothering through writing in any genre. We will mine the rich and abundant material that comes from the experience of mothering or being mothered, and I hope that the act of describing our experiences empowers us as writers and as mothers.

This workshop will use different prompts from the previous workshops on motherhood. We will spend our time writing and sharing our writing.


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Children’s Writers Masterclass: Writing Picture Books with Susannah Lloyd

Children’s Writers Masterclass: Writing Picture Books with Susannah Lloyd

Location: The Writers Workshop
Facilitator: Beverley Ward

As part of our regular Children’s Writers Meetup, we're excited to be inviting a series of professional childrens writers to join us for masterclasses. First up is Susannah Lloyd - a writer of picture books for young children. Susannah will share her Top Tips for children's book writing, including an exploration of the authors and illustrators who have inspired her and a Q&A so that you can ask her about your own project.

Buy your basic ticket (£15 for members of The Writers Workshop, £18 for non-members) and select the £15 supplement if you would like to send up to 1000 words for feedback from Beverley, Susannah and the group.

Email with any queries.

Children’s Writers Meetup is a space for aspiring and published writers of children's fiction and poetry to gather together to share tips and ideas and to get feedback on their work from publisher children's author, Beverley Ward.

About Susannah

Susannah Lloyd is the author of a chapter book, Badgers Are Go, and picture books Who Ate Steve, Here Be Giants, Oh Monty, Here Be Dragons, This Book Can Read Your Mind, and The Terribly Friendly Fox. Her books feature scoundrels, blunderers, shenanigans, and VERY unreliable narrators. They have been translated into ten languages. Her passions are for dark humour and for using the interplay between word and picture to create a space for the young reader to participate in the story making. She is inspired by old black and white movies, dusty stuffed animals in museums and all things small in the world.


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Routes to Publication

Routes to Publication

Location: The Writers Workshop

Hosts: Carmel Page and Steve Kay

How does a writer become an author? Should you find a publisher or self-publish?

In this interactive session you will learn the pros and cons of different routes to publication. We will highlight some of the pitfalls so you can chose the route that is right for you.

Whether you find a publisher or self-publish, the process has many stages. Learn what these are, what is involved, and what you can do yourself. We will explain the important elements of creating a good product: editing, interior-file creation and cover-file creation. We will give you a realistic idea of how much your book might make and when you should (or should not!) pay for skilled help.

By the end of the session you will know what jobs are involved in publishing and you will have a personal action plan.


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Absolute Beginner Creative Writing Workshop

Absolute Beginner Creative Writing Workshop

Location: The Writers Workshop
Facilitator: Raquel Vogl

Have you always wanted to write creatively but don’t know where to start? Are you intimidated by groups of more experienced writers?

This is the workshop for you. We will do several beginner friendly writing exercises and I will give you exercises and tips to take home to build a writing practice. There will be the opportunity to share your writing but it is not obligatory.

This will be a friendly, fun, and open space to get words on the page, build confidence in your writing, and develop your own writing practice. We will be doing different prompts from previous workshops, so if you have attended before we'll be doing new prompts and exercises.


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Writing Workout

Writing Workout

Location: The Writers Workshop

Writing Workouts are fun, friendly creative-writing sessions, led by either Rosie Carnall or Lorna Partington, in which participants are guided through several themed writing prompts designed to get the ideas and ink flowing.

We encourage the use of pen and paper (if possible) because it helps us access a different creative mindset than keyboard and screen.

This is not a course: each session stands alone.

No prior writing experience necessary.

Refreshments provided.


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Writing Romance

Writing Romance

Tutor: Anna Mansell

From "Meet Cutes" to "Will they, Won’t they?", writing romance is all about creating a world in which your reader can fall in love at the same time as your protagonists.

In this workshop, we’ll explore your characters, their world, and the tension that's keeping your characters apart. All wrapped up in a collection of exercises, group chat (no pressure to share unless you want to!), and tea.

By the end of it, you should leave with a clear path to falling in love with writing your own romance novel.

Anna Mansell is the amazon top 100 bestselling author of 7 novels, including a rom com under the pen name, Lottie Brook. She also writes for stage and is an emerging screenwriter. Read more.


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Narrative Modes: Dialogue & Interiority

Narrative Modes: Dialogue & Interiority

Location: The Writers Workshop

Tutor: Lorna Partington

When we write, we move between five narrative modes: action, exposition, dialogue, interiority and description.

In the second of three masterclasses, you'll explore dialogue and interiority. What are these modes? When is it best to deploy them? How can we best engage the reader using these modes?

In this class, you'll be learning key principles, discussing examples from great writers, and having a go at writing in these narrative modes.

The final masterclass:

  • Description: Sunday, December 15

Each class is designed to stand alone.


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Writing Workout

Writing Workout

Location: The Writers Workshop

Writing Workouts are fun, friendly creative-writing sessions, led by either Rosie Carnall or Lorna Partington, in which participants are guided through several themed writing prompts designed to get the ideas and ink flowing.

We encourage the use of pen and paper (if possible) because it helps us access a different creative mindset than keyboard and screen.

This is not a course: each session stands alone.

No prior writing experience necessary.

Refreshments provided.


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Nonfiction Writers Meetup

Nonfiction Writers Meetup

Host: Hannah Boursnell

Location: Writers Workshop

If you've got a non-fiction project (of any genre) in mind or on the go, join this informal monthly meetup where we’ll talk everything fact-not-fiction. This is an opportunity to get to know other local writers working on non-fiction projects, share your progress (or lack thereof), discuss ideas and challenges, and support each other on your non-fiction journeys. Hannah — a freelance editor and former non-fiction publisher — will be on hand to offer support, advice and plenty of tea and cake.


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Children’s Writers Meetup

Children’s Writers Meetup

Location: The Writers Workshop

Facilitator: Beverley Ward

Have you got an unpublished manuscript for children or teenagers? Or would you like to write one? Perhaps you have loads of ideas and beginnings of stories but no idea how to structure them or how to approach publishers.

Children’s Writers Meetup is a space for aspiring and published writers of children's fiction and poetry to gather together to share tips and ideas and to get feedback on their work from publisher children's author, Beverley Ward.

Buy your basic ticket (£5 for members of The Writers Workshop, £10 for non-members) and select the £10 supplement if you would like to send up to 1000 words for feedback from Beverley and the group.

Email with any queries.

Find out more about Beverley


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Absolute Beginner Creative Writing Workshop

Absolute Beginner Creative Writing Workshop

Location: The Writers Workshop
Facilitator: Raquel Vogl

Have you always wanted to write creatively but don’t know where to start? Are you intimidated by groups of more experienced writers?

This is the workshop for you. We will do several beginner friendly writing exercises and I will give you exercises and tips to take home to build a writing practice. There will be the opportunity to share your writing but it is not obligatory.

This will be a friendly, fun, and open space to get words on the page, build confidence in your writing, and develop your own writing practice. We will be doing different prompts from previous workshops, so if you have attended before we'll be doing new prompts and exercises.


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Narrative Modes: Description

Narrative Modes: Description

Location: The Writers Workshop

Tutor: Lorna Partington

When we write, we move between five narrative modes: action, exposition, dialogue, interiority and description.

In the last masterclass in this series, you'll explore description. What is it? When is it best to deploy this mode? How can we best engage the reader using description?

In this class, you'll be learning key principles, discussing examples from great writers, and having a go at writing in this narrative mode.

Each class is designed to stand alone.


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Writing Workout

Writing Workout

Location: The Writers Workshop

Writing Workouts are fun, friendly creative-writing sessions, led by either Rosie Carnall or Lorna Partington, in which participants are guided through several themed writing prompts designed to get the ideas and ink flowing.

We encourage the use of pen and paper (if possible) because it helps us access a different creative mindset than keyboard and screen.

This is not a course: each session stands alone.

No prior writing experience necessary.

Refreshments provided.


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Children's Writing Club

Children's Writing Club

Writing Clubs are a chance for children and young people to play with writing outside of the constraints of the formal curriculum.

Writing Clubs are a place where young people can express themselves, experiment, develop their love of stories and language, and grow in confidence. Writing is a creative act and not just a tool for passing exams. In Writing Club we don’t focus on grammar, spelling or punctuation but writing skills will develop naturally as children fall in love with the power of the written word.

Writing Club is faciltated by children’s author, Beverley Ward and is suitable for ages 9-13.


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Get Writing

Get Writing

Friendly, supportive writing workshops for writers at all stages of their writing journeys. Think of it as push-ups for your writing muscles, a play date for your inner child, a chance to exorcise your demons or just plain magic.

You’ll be guided through a series of themed writing exercises to generate new writing in the company of other writers. You can write in whatever genre and for whatever purpose suits you. Expect fun, laughter, friendship and solidarity as side effects.

Get Writing is facilitated by Beverley Ward every Wednesday from 11am-1pm. Block bookings are available.


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THE SUNDAY SOUL SESSIONS 1: Writing Through Change

THE SUNDAY SOUL SESSIONS 1: Writing Through Change

For the new academic year, we're excited to introduce our Sunday Soul Sessions - a series of workshops for writers who want to delve deep into the big issues and reflect on what it means to be human in a changing world.

September brings with it a feeling of renewal, so we're kicking off our series with a workshop on Writing Through Change. Whether it's an exciting fresh start (a house move, a new career or course, a marriage) or a difficult transition through divorce, loss or bereavement, change is the only thing we can truly rely on in life, and yet it can be one of the most challenging things to navigate. It also lies at the heart of most great writing!

Join Beverley Ward in a gentle, reflective workshop in which we explore what change means to us and how we can develop fresh personal narratives in this new season.

About your facilitator - Beverley Ward

The founder of The Writers Workshop, Beverley Ward has been running writing workshops for twenty-five years. She's a qualified teacher and life coach who has navigated a lot of change in her own life. The author of Dear Blacksmith (a memoir about loss), she enjoys using writing for personal reflection and is interested in how we move forward after catastrophic events and how we find hope in dark times.


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Children's Writing Club

Children's Writing Club

Writing Clubs are a chance for children and young people to play with writing outside of the constraints of the formal curriculum.

Writing Clubs are a place where young people can express themselves, experiment, develop their love of stories and language, and grow in confidence. Writing is a creative act and not just a tool for passing exams. In Writing Club we don’t focus on grammar, spelling or punctuation but writing skills will develop naturally as children fall in love with the power of the written word.

Writing Club is faciltated by children’s author, Beverley Ward and is suitable for ages 9-13.


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Get Writing

Get Writing

Friendly, supportive writing workshops for writers at all stages of their writing journeys. Think of it as push-ups for your writing muscles, a play date for your inner child, a chance to exorcise your demons or just plain magic.

You’ll be guided through a series of themed writing exercises to generate new writing in the company of other writers. You can write in whatever genre and for whatever purpose suits you. Expect fun, laughter, friendship and solidarity as side effects.

Get Writing is facilitated by Beverley Ward every Wednesday from 11am-1pm. Block bookings are available.


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Writing Workout

Writing Workout

Location: The Writers Workshop

Writing Workouts are fun, friendly creative-writing sessions, led by either Rosie Carnall or Lorna Partington, in which participants are guided through several themed writing prompts designed to get the ideas and ink flowing.

We encourage the use of pen and paper (if possible) because it helps us access a different creative mindset than keyboard and screen.

This is not a course: each session stands alone.

No prior writing experience necessary.

Refreshments provided.


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How to Run Writing Workshops

How to Run Writing Workshops

Location: The Writers Workshop

Tutor: Beverley Ward

If you want to make a career as a writer, the creative process is only part of the picture. These days, writers need to be able to multitask as facilitators, editors, influencers and entrepreneurs. In our new Develop Your Writing Career series, we'll be giving you the tools to build your platform, profile and portfolio career.

Running workshops is a staple part of the work of the vast majority of writers, but not all of us have a teaching qualification or experience of facilitating groups.

In this masterclass you'll learn how to plan and promote a workshop, how to manage group dynamics, how to give appropriate feedback, and how to encourage group members to flourish. You'll leave the session with greater confidence to run writing workshops in a variety of settings.


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Absolute Beginner Creative Writing Workshop

Absolute Beginner Creative Writing Workshop

Location: The Writers Workshop
Facilitator: Raquel Vogl

Have you always wanted to write creatively but don’t know where to start? Are you intimidated by groups of more experienced writers?

This is the workshop for you. We will do several beginner friendly writing exercises and I will give you exercises and tips to take home to build a writing practice. There will be the opportunity to share your writing but it is not obligatory.

This will be a friendly, fun, and open space to get words on the page, build confidence in your writing, and develop your own writing practice. We will be doing different prompts from previous workshops, so if you have attended before we'll be doing new prompts and exercises.


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Children’s Writers Meetup

Children’s Writers Meetup

Have you got an unpublished manuscript for children or teenagers? Or would you like to write one? Perhaps you have loads of ideas and beginnings of stories but no idea how to structure them or how to approach publishers.

Children’s Writers Meetup is a space for aspiring and published writers of children's fiction and poetry to gather together to share tips and ideas and to get feedback on their work from publisher children's author, Beverley Ward.

Buy your basic ticket (£5 for members of The Writers Workshop, £10 for non-members) and select the £10 supplement if you would like to send up to 1000 words for feedback from Beverley and the group.

Email with any queries.

Find out more about Beverley


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Sounds About Write: Ralph Dartford

Sounds About Write: Ralph Dartford

Location: Sheffield Plate (downstairs)

Join The Writers Workshop for its monthly live literature event. Each month we invite a published author to share their work and insight into their writing journey, and then we open the floor to emerging writers in our open-mic segment. Your work doesn't have to be polished ... it just needs to sound about right!

The event begins at 6:45PM, but join members of the Workshop upstairs from 6:15PM for some mixing before the event.

To reserve an open-mic slot, email before 6:00PM on the day.

This month, our guest is the fantastic Ralph Dartford.

Ralph Dartford was founder of the influential collective, A Firm of Poets who toured nationally with artists such as Hollie McNish, Zena Edwards and Luke Wright amongst other leading spoken word artists.


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Children's Writing Club

Children's Writing Club

Writing Clubs are a chance for children and young people to play with writing outside of the constraints of the formal curriculum.

Writing Clubs are a place where young people can express themselves, experiment, develop their love of stories and language, and grow in confidence. Writing is a creative act and not just a tool for passing exams. In Writing Club we don’t focus on grammar, spelling or punctuation but writing skills will develop naturally as children fall in love with the power of the written word.

Writing Club is faciltated by children’s author, Beverley Ward and is suitable for ages 9-13.


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Storytelling Skills: Time to Tell

Storytelling Skills: Time to Tell

Location: The Writers Workshop

Facilitator: Carmel Page

Once upon a time everyone was a storyteller.

It's something we can all learn to do.
Practice, feedback and advice are the three things that help most. This session has them all and is suitable for beginners or experienced tellers.

Five people will have the opportunity to take the stage for fifteen minutes each. They can tell a story and receive feedback and advice during that time. Tellers can opt to tell and just receive applause if they prefer and they can ask specific questions about their performance.

The audience will be encouraged to reflect on the story and make comments which will benefit the teller.

You do not have to tell a story to attend, there are also tickets for people to listen. You will learn as much from listening to other tellers, as from telling.


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Poetry Summer School: Editing Your Work

Poetry Summer School: Editing Your Work

Location: The Writers Workshop (ONLINE attendance option available)

Facilitator: Suzannah Evans

Get schooled in reading and writing poems this summer! This short course of six sessions with Suzannah Evans will cover the essentials of poetry, from why we write it to how it works. Each session will include writing time and time for feedback. These sessions are suitable for beginner and intermediate poets. I recommend you come with an open mind and a willingness to play with words!

Theme: Editing

In our final workshop of the season, we’re going to look at how to polish up and assist those poems that might not quite be doing what we need them to. We’ll play with editing techniques, create a toolkit to see us through future poetry emergencies, and finish the course with a short feedback workshop.

Booking Information

  • Sessions are bookable individually.

  • Online tickets allow you to participate via Zoom.

  • There is one free bursary place available per session. If you would like to take up a bursary place, please contact me directly:


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Writing Club for 9-13s

Writing Club for 9-13s

Location: The Writers Workshop

Facilitator: Beverley Ward

Writing Clubs are a chance for children and young people aged 9-13 to play with writing outside of the constraints of the formal curriculum.

Writing Clubs are a place where young people can express themselves, experiment, develop their love of stories and language, and grow in confidence. Writing is a creative act and not just a tool for passing exams. In Writing Club we don’t focus on grammar, spelling or punctuation but writing skills will develop naturally as children fall in love with the power of the written word.


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New Members Welcome Session

New Members Welcome Session

Location: The Writers Workshop

Welcome to The Writers Workshop, it’s great to have you with us!

Join Harley for our monthly welcome session for new members, held at the workshop in Orchard Square. A great opportunity to check out the workshop space, ask any questions you have about your membership, find out about what is coming up over the next few months, and meet other new members in an informal and friendly space.

We will share a little bit about what we’re interested in writing, and if you’d like to bring a short piece of writing to share with the group, we’d love to hear it!

Email to let us know you’re coming.

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Writing Workout

Writing Workout

Location: The Writers Workshop

Writing Workouts are fun, friendly creative-writing sessions, led by either Rosie Carnall or Lorna Partington, in which participants are guided through several themed writing prompts designed to get the ideas and ink flowing.

We encourage the use of pen and paper (if possible) because it helps us access a different creative mindset than keyboard and screen.

This is not a course: each session stands alone.

No prior writing experience necessary.

Refreshments provided.


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Neurodivergent Writers: Group Mentoring

Neurodivergent Writers: Group Mentoring

Location: The Writers Workshop

Facilitator: Amanda Marples

Hands up who is neurodivergent and really needs some support with their writing?

Who longs for a writing coach but is having enough trouble paying the gas bill?

Here is a solution: low-cost, high-quality group mentoring.

Here's what to expect...

  • Monthly meet-ups (online options also available)

  • Small groups of no more than 5 writers

  • Opportunity and dedicated space to bring your writing-related executive function issues (see below)

  • Space to talk it through with other ND writers

  • Access to the expertise of ND professional writer and mentor Amanda Marples (facilitating)

  • Solutions

  • Gentle accountability and goal-setting


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Nonfiction Writers Meetup

Nonfiction Writers Meetup

Host: Hannah Boursnell

Location: Writers Workshop

If you've got a non-fiction project (of any genre) in mind or on the go, join this informal monthly meetup where we’ll talk everything fact-not-fiction. This is an opportunity to get to know other local writers working on non-fiction projects, share your progress (or lack thereof), discuss ideas and challenges, and support each other on your non-fiction journeys. Hannah — a freelance editor and former non-fiction publisher — will be on hand to offer support, advice and plenty of tea and cake.


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Poetry Summer School: Boundaries & Experiments

Poetry Summer School: Boundaries & Experiments

Location: The Writers Workshop (ONLINE attendance option available)

Facilitator: Suzannah Evans

Get schooled in reading and writing poems this summer! This short course of six sessions with Suzannah Evans will cover the essentials of poetry, from why we write it to how it works. Each session will include writing time and time for feedback. These sessions are suitable for beginner and intermediate poets. I recommend you come with an open mind and a willingness to play with words!

Theme: Boundaries and Experiments

In this session we will explore conceptual and experimental poetry, cross-disciplinary approaches to poetry, and we’ll think about hybrid writing and create our own writing that pushes at genre boundaries.

Booking Information

  • Sessions are bookable individually.

  • Online tickets allow you to participate via Zoom.

  • There is one free bursary place available per session. If you would like to take up a bursary place, please contact me directly:


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Nonfiction Writers Meetup

Nonfiction Writers Meetup

Host: Hannah Boursnell

Location: Writers Workshop

If you've got a non-fiction project (of any genre) in mind or on the go, join this informal monthly meetup where we’ll talk everything fact-not-fiction. This is an opportunity to get to know other local writers working on non-fiction projects, share your progress (or lack thereof), discuss ideas and challenges, and support each other on your non-fiction journeys. Hannah — a freelance editor and former non-fiction publisher — will be on hand to offer support, advice and plenty of tea and cake.


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Beverley & Ethel's Grand Day Out: Members Only

Beverley & Ethel's Grand Day Out: Members Only

Location: Victoria Quays, Sheffield

Host: Beverley Ward


What could be more relaxing and inspiring than writing as we drift along Sheffield Canal from Victoria Quays on Ethel the barge? We'll pass historic and industrial buildings to follow a green corridor populated with wild flowers, trees and shrubs, sharing the waterways with ducks, geese and wild birds.

Beverley will provide writing prompts and we can share our words with the wildlife, but there'll be plenty of time for relaxing and socialising too.

Please note: This is a members only trip. To join The Writers Workshop, click here.

Ethel is wheelchair accessible and can accommodate up to 12 people. Please let us know if you have access needs at the time of booking.

Teas and coffees provided, but please bring your own packed lunch.

Meet outside the Victoria Junction Cafe at 10.45am

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